Assignment/Activity Title— Senate Debate Year—Freshman
Skill— research, analysis, strong arguing Portfolio Category— Critical Thinking
The Senate Debate on whether to provide arms to England during the beginning of World War 2 was a very educational experience which has expanded my thinking in many ways. This helped me in learning how to formulate arguments. Since we did this in debate style, there were many things that I had to do that are not really necessary in an essay. With a debate, I have to state my opinion from the beginning and remain concise because I might not be called on again. Also I need to make sure that I know all about what I am going to say because there are people to refute me as soon as I am finished which would damage my credibility. I also learned how to place my arguments. With debates, one cannot simply go back and re-read, therefore I place my strongest argument last because it will be last to leave the memory. It also benefits if you can comment last. Lastly, this taught me to look at things from the other perspective. In debating, it is not guaranteed that you will get to speak twice, or directly after your opponent, therefore you need to refute what your opponent says before they say it. This skills can be very useful in future research and essays such as the critical thinking paper.