
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

C-Span Documentary

Lotions or Life? from Caleb K-B on Vimeo.

Assignment Title— C-SPAN Documentary  Year— Sophomore
Skill—research, persuasion Portfolio Category— Media Communications

The C-Span documentary project really helped me in media and communications  by having me watch videos and documentaries and then creating one. In this project, groups of two or three were to make a documentary about the impact of a bill going through congress on our local community. We would then enter the video into the C-SPAN Student-Cam competition. In the beginning I was having great difficulty in finding a topic that I found interesting and in the end I joined a group with animal testing. This topic was not really my cup of tea; however, it had the making for a good documentary.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Diversity in the News

Assignment/Activity Title— Diversity in the News  Year— Sophomore
Skill— Research, Spanish Portfolio Category— Social Awareness

The diversity in the news project was a very eye opening project for me. In this project, we were put into groups to research minorities and how they are portrayed in the media and in the news. My group was assigned Hispanics/Latinos. Most of my prior knowledge about Hispanic culture and stereotypes is from Spanish class; however, this assignment helped me to learn bit about their culture first hand by reading Spanish Newspapers. I found this project very informative and interesting while making me socially aware.