Title - Inspirations Play Year - Freshman
Skills - compromise, communicating, writing, media, editing Category - Media and Communication
I believe that the inspirations play was one of the hardest projects of my freshman year. I do not say this because of the work load or research but because of the amount of compromising that had to be done. In the beginning of the project, we were asked to come up with two play ideas that inspired us. I had an idea about finding one’s self and fitting in while my other idea was about media’s hypocrisy on the issue of body image. I really liked my first idea of finding one’s self because I felt it related to me and my life experiences. That was the play that truly inspired me. However, we were then to find a group of people with similar play ideas to create a play. Nobody had my first play idea but a few people had a variation of my second idea. Throughout this process, the fact that nobody had my first choice made me want to do the first choice even more because this tied into my play of trying to fit in (and how that never seems to work out). I was disappointed.